Matching family tree profiles for Mirchik Pavlov Mirchik Ivanovich Pavlov in MyHeritage family trees (Nabokov Web Site) view all Immediate Family. Ivan Pertovich Pavlov, Nobel Pri. Seraphima Vasilievna Pavlov. Vladimir Pavlov. Aspen hysys on mac. Vera Pavlova. Vsevolod Pavlov. 2017-08-21 0.7://vl-club.com/65723314-viktor-ivanovich-chulkin-intervyu-rodnomu-vide.html.

A chronicle of life in a small village in the Baikal Region on the eve of World War I and at the time of the October Revolution. The age-old foundations are crumbling, the process of social stratification is underway and, as a result, some people go to defend the revolution, and others - to fight against it. The main hero is the young Cossack Roman Ulybin. At first, this carefree daredevil is preoccupied only with one problem: whether his sweetheart, Dashutka, is to marry him or a merchant’s son, Alyoshka. Roman is killing time fist-fighting with his rival.


But little by little, the young man realizes that the world around him has changed, that people are fighting for equality and social justice, and, being a real Cossack, he can’t remain on the sidelines. Special features: • Interview with the Actors Yuri Solomin and Vitaliy Solomin • Documentary about the Leading Actor Efim Kopelyan • Documentary about the Lenfilm studio • Cast and Crew Filmographies • Photo Album Hronika zhizni nebolshogo poselka v Zabajkale nakanune pervoj mirovoj vojny i v gody sversheniya Velikoj Oktyabrskoj revolyutsii. Rushatsya vekovye ustoi, proishodit rassloenie mass, v rezultate kotorogo odni idut voevat za revolyutsiyu, drugie - protiv nee. Glavnyj geroj - molodoj kazak Roman Ulybin. Ponachalu etot bezzabotnyj sorvigolova zanyat tolko odnim voprosom: vyjdet za nego zamuzh lyubimaya devushka Dashutka ili ee otdadut za kupecheskogo syna Aleshku. Odnako postepenno paren zamechaet, chto mir vokrug izmenilsya, lyudi voyuyut za ravenstvo i sotsialnuyu spravedlivost, i on, bravyj kazak, ne mozhet ostatsya v storone Dopolnitelnye materialy (Bonus-trek): • Intervyu s akterami YUriem Solominym i Vitaliem Solominym • Dokumentalnyj film ob ispolnitele glavnoj roli Efime Kopelyane • Dokumentalnyj film o kinostudii Lenfilm • Filmografii • Fotografii.


Matching family tree profiles for Mirchik Pavlov Mirchik Ivanovich Pavlov in MyHeritage family trees (Nabokov Web Site) view all Immediate Family. Ivan Pertovich Pavlov, Nobel Pri. Seraphima Vasilievna Pavlov. Vladimir Pavlov. Aspen hysys on mac. Vera Pavlova. Vsevolod Pavlov. 2017-08-21 0.7://vl-club.com/65723314-viktor-ivanovich-chulkin-intervyu-rodnomu-vide.html.

A chronicle of life in a small village in the Baikal Region on the eve of World War I and at the time of the October Revolution. The age-old foundations are crumbling, the process of social stratification is underway and, as a result, some people go to defend the revolution, and others - to fight against it. The main hero is the young Cossack Roman Ulybin. At first, this carefree daredevil is preoccupied only with one problem: whether his sweetheart, Dashutka, is to marry him or a merchant’s son, Alyoshka. Roman is killing time fist-fighting with his rival.


But little by little, the young man realizes that the world around him has changed, that people are fighting for equality and social justice, and, being a real Cossack, he can’t remain on the sidelines. Special features: • Interview with the Actors Yuri Solomin and Vitaliy Solomin • Documentary about the Leading Actor Efim Kopelyan • Documentary about the Lenfilm studio • Cast and Crew Filmographies • Photo Album Hronika zhizni nebolshogo poselka v Zabajkale nakanune pervoj mirovoj vojny i v gody sversheniya Velikoj Oktyabrskoj revolyutsii. Rushatsya vekovye ustoi, proishodit rassloenie mass, v rezultate kotorogo odni idut voevat za revolyutsiyu, drugie - protiv nee. Glavnyj geroj - molodoj kazak Roman Ulybin. Ponachalu etot bezzabotnyj sorvigolova zanyat tolko odnim voprosom: vyjdet za nego zamuzh lyubimaya devushka Dashutka ili ee otdadut za kupecheskogo syna Aleshku. Odnako postepenno paren zamechaet, chto mir vokrug izmenilsya, lyudi voyuyut za ravenstvo i sotsialnuyu spravedlivost, i on, bravyj kazak, ne mozhet ostatsya v storone Dopolnitelnye materialy (Bonus-trek): • Intervyu s akterami YUriem Solominym i Vitaliem Solominym • Dokumentalnyj film ob ispolnitele glavnoj roli Efime Kopelyane • Dokumentalnyj film o kinostudii Lenfilm • Filmografii • Fotografii.

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